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The Gift of Grace: Embracing the Beauty of Redemption

The Gift of Grace: Embracing the Beauty of Redemption

In our daily encounters, we may come across people carrying burdens beyond what we see on the surface. Even within our own lives, we are confronted by tragedies, setbacks, and heartaches that shake our foundation. While the brokenness of the world may leave us feeling helpless or overwhelmed, there is a constant source of hope that accompanies us all - it is the gift of God’s grace.

In the book of Ephesians, Apostle Paul writes to the church of Ephesus, imparting encouragement and reminding them that Jesus is worthy of praise. He explains that Jesus has bestowed upon them spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms, and even before the world was formed, He chose them to be holy and blameless in His sight (Ephesians 1:3-4). This message of hope extends to all of us who believe in Him and have been welcomed into God's family, as well as to those who will receive Him today or in the future.

I recall the moment I first encountered Jesus in my own life, and the overwhelming sense of gratitude, joy, and praise knowing immediately that I was clothed and enveloped by His grace and love. Many of us can testify similarly to their profound experience with Jesus as well. In that very moment, His grace provided spiritual blessings that include:

  • Being embraced as His children
  • Being part of His family
  • Receiving an inheritance of eternal life and all His promises
  • Being transformed with a new heart, mind, spirit, and life, where we are no longer bound by sin and death
  • Being released from the penalty of death and forgiven for our trespasses
  • Receiving the Holy Spirit, who empowers and guides us daily
  • Given spiritual gifts, wisdom, and revelations that grant us insight into God, His truth, plans, and purposes to steward our lives and this world in his likeness and image
  • Being raised with Christ who grants us full access to His presence
  • Enjoying a deep and intimate friendship with Jesus

The mind-boggling truth is that even before the creation of the world, He had you and me in His mind. His heart has always been inclined toward blessing us abundantly. Jesus does not keep a record of our sins; He does not view us with disappointment or irritability. Instead, He looks upon us as holy and blameless and with immense love, patience, and kindness, desiring only the very best for us.

We hope this reminder fills your heart with joy that our brokenness does not hold power over us. But, instead, our scars now testify to who God is, His bountiful grace, and the new life He has given us. Armed with this good news, we are able to share own stories and show great love, grace and compassion to others. If you need prayer, please do not hesitate to share your prayer requests below in the comments!

PS - If you were encouraged by our reflection today, be sure to preorder Anh's new book, FOREVER HOME, from your favorite book retailer! Be the first to embark on an empowering journey as you follow Anh's testimony of how God transformed her brokenness into beauty. May her story of hope, healing, and redemption touch your heart and encourage you to share your own story as well!


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